Category Archives: Members

News about current and new members

Maimon Beit Knesset Summer Schedule

From June to September the Maimon Beit Knesset suspends the weekly classes; however, Shabbat Services continue. All broadcasts are on Rumble at Fridays at 8:00 PM Eastern: Kabalat and Maariv Shabbat Services. Shabbat at 10:00 AM Eastern: Shacharit and … Continue reading

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The Story of “The Turkey Prince” Explained

The Prince Who Thought He Was a Turkey A story of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (zt”l) There was once a prince who took ill and decided he was a turkey. Stripping off his clothes, he crouched naked under the royal … Continue reading

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Lag B’Omer 5778

Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chiam – 15 Iyyar 5778  This Thursday we will celebrate Lag B’Omer. This is a day that we suspend the strictures that are observed during the counting of the Omer, which started on the second day … Continue reading

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From Slavery to Freedom – The Ritual of Passover Cleaning.

Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chiam – 11 Nissan 5778  I got up this morning and realized that … I am getting old! Two weeks of Pesach cleaning has left he tired and every muscle aching.  As I dragged my body … Continue reading

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Chag Pesach Sameach!

We hope you all have a Pesach that is full of joy, wonder and meaning! Share This:

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Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s Advice on Pesach Cleaning

First off, I have to give a “Hat Tip” to HaRav Gutman Locks for his post that inspired me to write this piece. Pesach will soon be upon us; and, as usual, it will arrive quicker that we expected.  Each … Continue reading

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Chag Purim Sameach 5778!

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The Semoneh Esrei Project

By: Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim Rabbi Aryel Nachman ben Chaim and Richard D. Ruttenberg announce the just released Shemoneh Esrei Project. Nineteen original compositions by Richard D. Ruttenberg and mastered by Joe Berger of JoeZilla Studios. Available at: … Continue reading

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Chassidic Uniform?????

I have been told, as have many of you, that; because I don’t wear a white shirt and black pants, black coat and black hat when I am out and about, I cannot possible be a Chassid. OK, I must … Continue reading

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Back From Vacation

Well, we are back from vacation and it is time to get prepared for the High Holy Days. We will be posting the schedule soon, so keep coming back. In the mean time, here is a picture of the Tawas … Continue reading

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